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Drivers Needed

VQS are refreshing and expanding the Truck & Trailer and Single Car Transporter Fleet.

We are looking for individuals that are experienced in operating large trucks and tri-axle trailers and single car transporters (with trailer) up to 4.2 tonnes GVW. Applicants must be suitably CPC qualified and hold the necessary entitlements on their licence.

Ideally, applicants will be situated around Doncaster, Edinburgh, Leicester, and Surrey.

We are a great team, working hard and always learning…come and join us, your experience will be appreciated and suitably rewarded.

For more information please contact our Logistics Manager Tim Collins on 01332 814086 and tcollins@vqsltd.co.uk.

Alternatively, just leave a comment and we’ll be in touch.


Mark Fuller

I would be interested in joining your team delivering vehicles. I have previously worked for the fire service as an operational officer for 30 years.
I would be looking for a part time or ad hoc position.
Best Regards

Lee Mabbutt

Hi Mark
Thank you for your enquiry. I have passed this on to Tim our Logisitcs Manager and a membe rof the team will be in touch shortly.

Lee Mabbutt

Hi Abdul
thank you for your interest. I have passed your details on to Tim Collins, our Logistics Manager and he will ask a member of ther team to contact you in due course.
Kind regards

Carl Mash

I am interested in joining your team as a delivery driver I have over 30+ years of driving experience no points on my license and about 30 minutes from your North anthem branch

Kind regards


Lee Mabbutt

Hi Carl
Thank you for your interest. I’ve passed your details on to Tim collins our Logistics Mananger. He will ask a member of the team to conact you.
Kind regards

Steve jones

hi there, I would be interested in joining your company as a delivery / collections driver. I have a class 1 licence, CPC up to date 30yrs experience.
Im also C&G LEVEL 3 technician in heavies

Lee Mabbutt

Hi Steve,
Thank you for the enquiry. I’ve passed your details on to the Logistics team who will be in touch shortly


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